What is a R3TR0 B0X?

Do you like the idea of getting these Classic Nintendo consoles that have a few dozen games on them and reliving the glory days?
What about having video streaming options and being a bit more of a cord cutter?
Or having a computer hooked up to your TV for general purpose?
Why not have all of the above!

What if someone was willing to put in the time and effort to do all of this for you?

That is where I come in. I work on computers for a living, and I am also a gamer and cord cutter. I’ve put in hundreds of hours to take all of these ideas and put them into one place.

These boxes come in a variety of used and new setups. With the potential to have thousands of retro games, and a few next gen systems as well. Plus three cord cutting programs for video streaming. And all of this on a clean windows 10 setup computer. More to offer than most standalone options you will find advertised. All setup and tested ahead of time. WiFi, keyboard, mouse, and SNES controllers. Very easy to use!

Don’t hate! PLAY!